Complete 5 rounds of:
10 Wall Crawls
10 Toes to bar
20 24" box jumps
time: 45:01
works: shoulders, core, triceps, and a lot of other stuff
difficulty: 9
my effort: 7
Before today, I'd never heard of or seen a "wall crawl" before. In fact, I had a real hard time finding a good video to post of this exercise (actually, I never did), so I got my dad to shoot a few photos of my last set so I could show the progression. I wasn't sure how many of these I could do before I started today. I found I could do them, but I was slow and needed a lot of recovery between reps. I ended up setting 2-2-2-2-2.
Wall crawls had been defined like this: "For the wall climbs, start with your toes and chest on the deck, walk your feet up the wall until your chest touches the wall, and then descend back to the original position."
The progression looks like this:
It's hard, especially if you string your reps together. The other problem is, you progress through Toes-To-Bar's and Box Jumps so quickly that you end up back at the Wall Crawls really fast - way before you're ready. Or at least before I was. So I went though this workout, but it took me forever - 45 minutes. I think if I did it again I could cut quite a bit of time out of it now that I know how to pace. Something closer to 25-30 minutes.
Be careful when climbing: I sweat so much that I made the ground and the wall slick. I had to move around quite a bit to avoid sliding all over the place.
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